Value Chain 

Our value chain 


At Logista, we offer the most complete value chain, from omnichannel order-taking at the point of sale, through product purchasing and supply, to after-sales service.


Logista facilitates the delivery of products to the consumer, through a single supplier, transparently and efficiently, guaranteeing total control over the entire chain.


We offer the most advanced and specialized services for every sector and sales channel we serve.


As a result, manufacturers and retail outlets benefit from a specialized distribution service tailored to the product, the outlet and the end consumer, as well as other value-added services and powerful business intelligence tools.


Our integrated model of specialized distribution, transport and information systems offers maximum operational efficiency, total control and real-time traceability, while ensuring proximity to our points of sale in the countries where we operate.

Omnichannel order taking from points of sale


Purchase of products, Storage and Real-time stocks management


Automated orders preparation


Transport and Distribution


Invoicing and Collection


Customer & After-Sales service

Omnichannel order taking from points of sale
  • Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals, Internet, cash & carry, telephone...
  • Online order processing and follow-up
Purchase of products, Storage and Real-time stocks management
  • Customized safety stock management. 
  • Adaptability to different types of products. 
  • Availability of tax and bonded warehouses. 
  • Temperature-controlled storage.
Automated orders preparation
  • Consolidation of orders from several suppliers with single delivery. 
  • Customized labelling and packaging. 
  • Automated classification of shipments.
Transport and Distribution
  • Integrated temperature-controlled transport and distribution. 
  • Design and management of computerised open routes. 
  • Merchandise risk coverage. 
  • Online connection with loading and unloading centres, and carriers. 
  • Fleet control and monitoring
Invoicing and Collection
  • Collections via cash on delivery, credit card, bank transfer, direct debit… 
  • Administrative support. 
  • Incidents management. 
  • Up-to-date maintenance of applications and price information.
Customer and After-Sales service
  • POS terminals and applications designed by Logista for point of sale management. 
  • Service points for point of sale supply and service. 
  • Real time information on orders. 
  • Incidents and returns management. 
  • Exchange of goods. 
  • Centralized customer information hotline service.